
Sneak Peek Gender Reveals

Women’s Health Physicians and Surgeons offers Sneak Peek gender reveal tests to expectant parents. This test provides a convenient and early way to determine the sex of your baby.

How Sneak Peek Works

The Sneak Peek test is a simple blood draw from the mother. The collected blood sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis. By examining the fetal DNA fragments within the mother’s blood, scientists can determine the gender of the baby.


Sneak Peek boasts a high accuracy rate, often exceeding 99%. This means that the test is highly reliable in determining the gender of your baby.

Benefits of Choosing Sneak Peek

Early gender revelation: Sneak Peek can be taken as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy, allowing you to find out the gender of your baby sooner.

Convenience: This test can be done at our office.

Accuracy: Sneak Peek has a high accuracy rate, providing reliable results.


If you’re eager to know the gender of your baby early in your pregnancy, Dr. Patel and Women’s Health Physicians and Surgeons offer the Sneak Peek gender reveal test. This convenient and accurate option can provide you with exciting news about your upcoming arrival.

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